High school students may earn college credit by signing up for the International Baccalaureate Program during their junior and/or senior year of high school.

  • KCKCC accepts higher level I.B. exam credit providing students make a 4 on the exam. Official score reports must be sent directly to the College in order for students to receive academic credit.
  • Scores must be submitted prior to enrollment, and if the examination was completed more than two years earlier, credit evaluation is determined on an individual basis by a faculty member in the related discipline, the instructional dean, and the Vice President Academic and Student
  • Academic credit is posted on the transcript in terms of the College’s course The notation on the transcript reads: International Baccalaureate Examination. A grade of CR is recorded on the transcript.
  • Thirty (30) credit hours can be earned through the B. program. Students should check with four-year institutions concerning their transfer policies.
  • Students awarded credit hours through this program are not charged tuition and fees. They are only required to pay the costs charged by the Educational Testing Service to take the
  • Students must be enrolled and satisfactorily complete course(s) at the College during the semester they plan to receive IB


KCKCC Course Credit Hours
CHEM 0111 College Chemistry I and Lab 5
ECON 0201 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
ENGL 0101 Composition I 3
ENGL 0104 Introduction to Literature 3
LANG 0203 French III 3
LANG 0223 German III 3
LANG 0243 Spanish III 3
MATH 0108 Pre-Calculus Mathematics 3
MATH 0122 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5
NASC 0130 Introductory Physics 3
NASC 0131 Introductory Physics Laboratory 1
NASC 0231 General Physics I 5
NASC 0232 General Physics II 5