KCKCC recognizes that students in degree programs have unique background experiences and offers students the opportunity to obtain college credit by successfully completing any or all of the CLEP General Examinations in Math, Natural Science, Social Science, and/or the Humanities.

  1. CLEP scores above the50th percentile rank for sophomore norms are eligible for academic college credit.
  2. General exam scores must be submitted before completion of the first semester of attendance at KCKCC. Test scores over two years old are evaluated on an individual basis.
  3. Academic credit is posted on transcripts as a grade of CR for the General Exams as follows:
    • Intermediate Algebra (MATH0104) if student has had Algebra I and II in high school.
    • Pre-Calculus Mathematics (MATH0108) if student has had Algebra I and II and a math analysis course or its equivalent in high school.
    • Introduction to Physical Science (NASC0103).
    • Art Appreciation(ARTS101)
    • Introduction to Literature (ENGL0104) depending upon sub-score on the exam
    • Introduction to Social Science (SOSC0103).
  4. Students must be currently enrolled and satisfactorily completed at least one semester when these credits are posted to KCKCCtranscript.
  5. A total of 15 credit hours can be granted for CLEP examinations. No single CLEP exam earns more than five (5) academic hours of credit.
  6. No academic credit can be earned for the CLEP exam in Composition I or in Composition II.
  7. Students awarded credit hours through the CLEP program are not charged for tuition and fees at KCKCC. They are only required to pay those costs charged by the Educational Testing Service to take the exam(s).
  8. The appropriate Instructional Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs approve academic credit for subject exams