You've been accepted, now what?

Congratulations on being accepted at KCKCC. You should have received an email to your personal email account used to apply for admission. Within that email, your KCKCC student ID number is provided to you.

If you haven't completed the steps to enrollment, visit: Enrollment Checklist

If you have enrolled in courses, proceed to the information below. 

Before School Starts

Establishing A Password

Establish a Student Password Guide

Students use their KCKCC student email address to login to almost all KCKCC services. Upon signing in for the first time, you will be asked for more information to setup Self Service Password Reset using a mobile phone, personal email address, and/or security questions. 

If you need to update your phone number or personal email address, please visit the Registrar's Office in room 3331.

Registrar's Office - Room 3331 | | 913-288-7536

Logging In With User ID

A few services require users to login with their User ID. Student User ID is their Student ID Number. This can be found in the acceptance email sent to the personal email address used to apply for admission. However, the password is the same.

User ID Required Logins

  • myDotte []
  • Helpdesk []
  • Student WiFi
  • Papercut (printing) []

Call the HelpDesk if you are encountering login issues - 913-288-7479, option 3.

Self Service is first used to setup your KCKCC login information. It can also be used to access your student data while you attend KCKCC. You can find your course enrollment information, pay your bill, setup a payment plan, view your grades at the end of the semester, and more. 

These functions are available in Self Service and will have tutorials soon!

  • Requesting an Enrollment Verification
  • Setup Payment Plan & Make Payments
  • Submit a Withdrawal Form

KCKCC uses Microsoft Outlook for email. To access email, you must first establish a login for Self Service. The information used to login to Self Service is the same for accessing email. To access your email, select the 'Quick Links' at the top of the college's website then 'Email'. 

If you have another account that uses Microsoft, and have setup your browser to remember your login information, it may default auto-fill that account. Use the option to sign in with another account to go back to enter your KCKCC email address.  

Find out what your email address is and how to add it to your mobile phone here: 

Email Information and Support

KCKCC uses Blackboard for Online Classes. Use your Self Service login information to access Blackboard (See Establishing a Self Service Password for Login help). To access Blackboard, from the KCKCC website (, select Quick Links, then Blackboard. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you login to Blackboard before the semester has begun, your classes will not appear. Classes appear on the first day of the semester. 

If you would like to verify that you are enrolled before the semester begins or view your semester schedule, visit Self Service. From Self Service select Academics, then Student Planning, then Planning Overview. 

If you experience any issues within your Online Classes (not login related), call the helpdesk for assistance at 913-288-7479, option #1. 

KCKCC | Blackboard Requirements

Online Education Services Support Blog

KCKCC employees and students have access to Office 365. The license includes the ability to Download Office applications to a personal device to use while working or studying at KCKCC. 

See Office 365 Support for more information

Getting Started

Wi-Fi Name: KCKCC-WiFi

You will use your KCKCC email address as the Identity when logging into Wi-Fi. The password will be your regular KCKCC password. 

If you are using an Android phone (not iPhone), here's some additional information you may need to provide to access Wi-Fi. This also applies to Chromebook devices.

     EAP Method: PEAP
     Phase 2 Auth: MSCHAPV2
     CA Certificate: use system certificates
     Online Certificate Status: do not validate

KCKCC-WiFi Android Phone Instructions

If you are using an iOS device, you must select Trust on the certificate that appears after logging in to complete the connection. This also applies to Mac and personally-owned Windows devices. 

KCKCC has several locations available for students to attend classes! 

KCKCC | Campus Map is available to help navigate each college location. Use the grey Floor navigation to switch between floor levels. 

Main Campus

Address: 7250 State Ave, Kansas City, KS 66112

This building has room numbers that correspond with their floor-level and hallway location.

Rooms located on the top floor start in the 3000's. The second floor room numbers are in the 2000's. 1000's rooms are located on the bottom floor (Humanities hall only). 

Hallway room numbers are denoted with the 100's. For instance, all Humanities hallway rooms are either 1100's or 2100's.

Dr. Thomas R. Burke Technical Education Center

6565 State Ave
Kansas City, KS 66102

Pioneer Career Center

1901 Spruce
Leavenworth, KS 66048

Visit KCKCC | Pioneer Career Center for specific information about offerings through the Leavenworth KS location. 

Visit KCKCC | College Locations for more information and view virtual tours!

Are you looking for someone in particular or just need to call a department office? Visit the website Directory to find what you are looking for!

To access the directory, from the KCKCC website (, select Quick Links, then Directory. This directory is updated at least once a week and lists employees as well as office contact information. 

Faculty & Staff Directory

The KCKCC Learning Commons is a shared space where students can access and utilize technology, tutoring, and collaboration areas. Study rooms, computers, academic resources, and professional employees are available to support the KCKCC community. The Dean of Academic Support & Assessment, Center for Teaching Excellence, Learning Services, Library Services, Office of Assessment, and Online Education Services are all housed in the Learning Commons. The Learning Commons is a space where faculty and student academic support converge.

For more information visit the Learning Commons webpage, email or call 913.288.7500.

There are open computer labs available at each campus location. 

Pioneer Center
Monday – Thursday: 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

TEC Center Room K101 Open Lab
Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Learning Commons
Open during posted library hours

Flint Building Upper Level Room 3626
Monday – Friday 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

KCKCC uses Print Anywhere, which allows users to submit their print job to be retrieved from any Konica Minolta printer on campus. These printers are the ones you see in the hallways. 

Submit Print Job using Campus Computers

  • Login to a campus computer. PLEASE NOTE: Print jobs are connected by who is logged into the computer. 
  • From the document you wish to print, select Print, then select printer "KONICA_Universal_Mono" (for black and white printing). Then select OK or Print to send the job as you normally would.
  • Locate a printer near you to release the print job.

Submit Print Job using Laptop or Mobile Device

  • Go to
  • Login using your KCKCC Student ID number and Self-Service Password
  • Select Web Print
  • Select Submit a Job
  • Choose printer KONICA_Universal_Mono (for black and white printing)
  • Click Print Options and Account Selection
  • Select Upload Documents
  • Choose Upload from computer or Drag files here
  • Click Upload and Complete
  • Proceed to How to Release a Print Job

How to Release a Print Job

  • Press Start to wake the machine.
  • Enter your ID number or KCKCC email and Password, then select Login.
  • Select Release.
  • Select Job from list to print or select all, then select Start .
  • A message will appear and the job will begin to print "Print job status: the select job(s) have been queued to print".

If you encounter any issues with printing on campus, call the helpdesk at 913-288-7479, option #3.

To Begin Scanning 

  • Approach any Konica Minolta printer on campus. These printers are the ones you see in the hallways.
  • Press Start to wake the machine.
  • Enter your ID number or KCKCC email and Password, then select Login.

How to Scan Documents to a Thumb Drive

  • Place the document to be scanned on the glass (1 page) or in the automatic feeder on top
  • Insert thumb drive in slot on right side of printer
  • Select Scan/Fax
  • Select Save Document to an external device
  • if you would like to rename the file, touch black box that contains file name
    • clear file name box by pressing delete
    • type the file name
    • Press OK
  • Press Start
  • When screen is clear, remove documents
  • Remove thumb drive

How to Scan Documents to Email

  • Place the document to be scanned on the glass (1 page) or in the automatic feeder on top
  • Select Scan/Fax
  • Select Me to scan to your email
    • Alternatively, Select Direct Input > Email > then enter email
  • Review Settings - 1-sided or 2-sided
  • Press Start

As a student enrolled in KCKCC, you have access to OneDrive which gives the ability to store, sync, and share files in the cloud. Sign into OneDrive using your KCKCC email and password.

Accessing OneDrive On Campus Computers

If you are using a Windows computer on campus, you can directly access to your OneDrive by using File Explorer. Use the navigation pane to look for “OneDrive: Kansas City Kansas Community College”. You can create folders here as well to keep your files organized.

Saving to OneDrive From Campus Computers

When saving the file, browse to OneDrive- Kansas City Kansas Community College, name the file, then select Save. This will save your file to OneDrive.

Accessing OneDrive Online

            Navigate to Office 365 online –

            Login using your KCKCC Email and Password.

Select the App launcher icon

            Select OneDrive  (if not available, select All Apps -> to view all available Office 365 apps)


If you have any questions or concerns about using OneDrive, please contact the helpdesk at 913-288-7479, option #3.

KCKCC now has NameCoach, a name recording tool that helps to make name pronunciation easier. With NameCoach, you can record your name for others to hear and listen to the recorded names of others. Students can record their name from any course within Blackboard. For more information, visit the KCKCC NameCoach page