Applicants must provide an electronic portfolio of their own unique artwork (emailed to the faculty members listed below), along with the Visual Arts Performance Grant Application.
Award amounts vary from partial to full tuition waivers.
Please see full criteria and eligibility requirements listed in the online application.
Visual Arts Performance Grant Application
Clint Ricketts, Coordinator
Studio Art
Shay Dodson, Coordinator
Digital Imaging Design
Selection is based on the student’s ability to perform on the Debate Team, must participate with the Debate Team and enroll in specified course work. Award amounts vary and will apply as partial or full payment of tuition and fees.
Contact Darren Elliott at 913-288-7295.
Recipients are selected based on talent (writing or photography), participation in newspaper production (KCKCC Advocate), and satisfactory progress in journalism course work. Award amounts vary from partial to full payment of tuition and fees.
Contact Bryan Whitehead at 913-288-7237.
Recipients must show ability as vocalists, pianists, or instrumentalists in orchestra, concert bands, and/or jazz bands. Must have recommendation by high school band, orchestra, choir director or private lesson teacher and be able to participate in assigned group participation, be a full time student and keep grades in good standing. Students will be required to enroll in certain music classes. Award amounts vary and will apply as partial or full payment of tuition and fees up to 18 hours per semester.
Contact John Stafford at 913-288-7137.
Recipients are selected based upon an audition, interview, two letters of recommendation, and must have a 3.0 or above GPA. Students are required to enroll in certain theatre classes. Award amounts vary and will apply as partial or full payment of tuition and fees up to 18 hours per semester.
Contact the Theater / Drama Department at 913-288-7305.
Includes: Baseball, Basketball (men), Basketball (ladies), Golf (men), Softball, Soccer (men), Soccer (ladies), and Volleyball (ladies).
KCKCC is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association and the Kansas Jayhawk Community College Conference. Each coaching staff recruits and selects individuals who meet the criteria of the sport and institution according to the conference rules. Award amount pays tuition for 12 to 18 hours and includes textbooks.
Contact Greg McVey, Director of Athletics, at 913-288-7150 or