Academic Symposium Series
The Institute for Teaching and Learning supports academic discourse events at KCKCC and we specifically facilitate the Academic Symposium series. The mission of the Academic Symposium series is to provide an open and public forum which will allow the faculty and staff of KCKCC to make presentations of academic or artistic merit.
As Faculty and Staff of this public institution of higher learning, we seek to uphold the values expressed in the KCKCC Academic Freedom Statement:
Academic Freedom Statement
The College recognizes that academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of the purposes of higher education and acknowledges the fundamental need to protect faculty members from censorship or restraint which might interfere with their obligations in the performance of professional duties.
Accordingly, faculty members shall be guaranteed full freedom in academic presentations and discussions and may introduce political, religious or otherwise controversial materials relevant to course content (and which does not infringe upon the rights of others). When faculty members are exercising their rights to citizenship in public, they should indicate that they are not official spokespersons for the College.
Submit a proposal for an Academic Symposium.