Roles and Responsibilities

Participation in the assessment process is required of all students, faculty, and co-curricular staff.  The sincerity of the participants is important and will provide KCKCC with accurate information that will be used to plan effective academic programs and services. Assessment activities for students may include, but are not limited to surveys, interviews, questionnaires, in-class assignments, standardized tests, portfolios and exit examination.  Evidence, gathered by faculty and co-curricular staff, from assessments will be used to evaluate student achievement, review curriculum effectiveness, improve instruction and learning, enhance campus support services, and assist with student self-evaluation and goal-setting.

Vice President for Academic Affairs

The Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) provides leadership to all members of the academic assessment team, faculty and staff. The VPAA will encourage and support the development, implementation, interpretation and subsequent action plans for course-, program- and institutional-level assessment efforts.

Dean of Academic Support and Assessment (ASA)

The Dean of Academic Support and Assessment is responsible for educating and ensuring compliance to academic and co-curricular assessment initiatives at the course-, program-level, and institutional levels.

Director of Assessment

The Director of Assessment leads and develops a comprehensive institutional assessment program to support the college's mission and strategic initiatives. The director supports continuous academic program assessment (curricular and co-curricular activities) and improvement of student learning through consultation, mentoring and hands-on training.

Academic Deans

Deans are responsible for providing support, encouragement, and leadership to their departments to advance all college-wide assessment efforts.

Coordinators and Faculty Leads

Coordinators/Faculty leads are responsible for facilitating the assessment of student learning in their programs/disciplines. In conjunction with other faculty, these individuals develop and manage the department’s assessment plan and data collection.

Department/Program Faculty/Co-curricular Departments

Faculty within disciplines/departments, and co-curricular areas are responsible for engaging in assessment of student learning.

Assessment Committee Structure


Assessment Council

The Assessment Council is responsible for overseeing and assisting with the academic assessment process and serving as a resource for all involved with academic assessment at the course, program, and institutional levels.

Program Review Committee

The purpose of this committee is to review all existing academic programs leading to the completion of a degree or certificate in order to ensure that they are engaged in ongoing self-evaluation and assessment in order to examine their academic quality, vitality, and responsiveness to student, community, and industry needs. Information collected through the review process will also be used to ensure alignment between college and program goals, and thus inform institutional planning. 

General Education Committee

This committee is responsible for overseeing the assessment of general education and reviewing the courses that are part of the general education core.  

Co-Curricular Committee

This committee is responsible for assisting with the co-curricular assessment process and to be a resource for those involved with co-curricular assessment.  

Academic Affairs Committee

The purpose of this committee is to coordinate the continual process of reviewing and make recommendations for updating the College’s curriculum by reviewing proposals for course and program changes. The committee will also review and recommend policies pertaining to curricula and accreditation for technical programs. All recommendations are submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. 

*KCKCC HLC Assessment Academy Team

The Academy Team serves as a support and resource to all assessment committees. Its role is to work on assessment projects in support of the campus-wide assessment initiatives.