When the tornado alarm is sounded, evacuation procedures should be as follows:
7250 State Ave Location
- All persons in the Humanities, Social Science, Science, Math, Nursing, Flint and Performing Arts Buildings should go to the lower-level hallways.
- All persons in the Jewell Center should go to the lower-level hallways of the Science or Social Science Buildings.
- Persons in the Library should go to the southeast corner of the lower level.
- Persons in the Allied Health Building should go to the restrooms on the lower level.
- Persons in the Community Education Building should go to the east side of the lower level.
- Persons in the Child Care Center should go to the center of the building close to the inner walls.
- Persons in the Field House should go to the dressing room areas in the lower level.
- Persons in the Print Shop should go to the lower-level restrooms of the Allied Health Building or inside the Supervisor's office.
- Persons in the New Service Building should go to the janitor's closet located in the interior part of the building.
- Persons in the Police Academy Building should go to the center large classroom.
- Persons in Centennial Hall should go to the designated lower-level tornado shelter area.
6565 State Ave Location
- Persons at this campus should go to the n/w tornado shelter located in the rear of the main TEC1 building.
6736 State Ave Location
- Persons in TEC2, TEC3, and Fire Science should go to the bathroom areas in the center of the buildings.
1901 Spruce Location
- Persons at the PCC campus should go to the lower level of the facility away from windows,
In all of the above cases it is important to stay away from glassed areas. When it is determined that the threat of a tornado no longer exists, the Campus Police will sound an "all clear" message over the PA system. At this time all persons may leave their sheltered areas.
Take any personal belongings you may need with you (including wallets, purses, keys, cell phones, etc.).
If circumstances permit, secure your area by closing doors and locking them if you would normally do so when you leave for the day.