Tiffany Bohm, Ed.D.

Tiffany Bohm, Ed.D.

Dean of Health Professions

Edward Kremer, Ph.D.

Edward Kremer, Ph.D.

Dean of Math, Science, Business and Technology

Cleon Wiggins

Cleon Wiggins

Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Public Services

Ashley Irvin

Ashley Irvin

Interim Dean of Career and Technical Education

Donna Bohn, Ph.D.

Donna Bohn, Ph.D.

Dean of Arts, Humanities and Communications

Jerry Pope

Jerry Pope

Vice President of Academic Affairs

Shawn Derritt, Ed.D.

Shawn Derritt, Ed.D.

Dean of Student Services

Cecelia Brewer, Ed.S.

Cecelia Brewer, Ed.S.

Dean of Academic Support and Assessment