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KCKCC Celebrates 100th-Annual Candle Lighting Ceremony

November 18 2024 Events General

Only a year after Kansas City Kansas Community College celebrated its centennial, KCKCC’s oldest tradition, the Candle Lighting Ceremony, will celebrate 100 years.

The ceremony is at 11 a.m. Dec. 4 in the KCKCC Performing Arts Center, 7250 State Ave. The Candle Lighting Ceremony is free and open to the public and will also be livestreamed on the KCKCC Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo accounts. Following the ceremony, there will be candlelight procession from the performing arts center to Upper Jewell where the annual Scholarship Social will be held.

The ceremony will highlight students in the music and theatre departments as well as KCKCC Foundation scholarship donors and recipients. The keynote speaker is KCKCC alum Ca’Tia Temple-Holliday.

KCKCC faculty members started the Candle Lighting Ceremony in December 1924, the year after KCKCC was founded. It remains the oldest tradition at KCKCC and serves as an opportunity for students, staff and faculty to celebrate the upcoming holiday season.

Following the first year, the holiday event added a candle sale to raise money for student scholarships. Any donation offered would be exchanged for a candle with the proceeds going to a loan fund that supported students. During the next few years, blue and white ribbons (symbolizing KCKCC’s original school colors) were sold in lieu of candles, though the tradition of giving remained. Scholarship donations continue to play a key role in the ceremony today.

Today, a similar ceremony is held prior to the “lighting” of the candles where the flame is passed from a sophomore to a freshman student. The symbolic act of lighting the candles continues with battery-operated votives, which replaced candles several years ago. Over the years, several thousands of dollars have been collected for student scholarships at KCKCC.

KCKCC alumni and community members can donate to support the KCKCC student scholarship fund. More than 350 students benefit from these funds, which would not be possible without the community and alumni support. Donations of $100 or more include recognition at the event and an honorary lapel pin. Donation link available here.

For more information about the 100th Candle Lighting Ceremony, please contact Katie Lindgren, coordinator in the KCKCC Foundation, at 913-288-7584 or at